The Little Engine who Couldn't

16 August 2018

Once upon a time there was a little engine.  This little engine didn’t like being little.  This little engine wanted to be a great big engine.  Little engine wanted to leave the yard and explore what was over the great big hill ahead.  For little engine had heard many stories about what lay ahead.  Both good and bad.  The people in the yard didn’t take care of little engine. Little engine kept getting dirtier and dirtier.  Scratches, bruises, and dents covered little engine.  So little engine decided to leave the yard.  Along little engine chugged.  Pretending they were a great big engine.  They scooted slowly up the hill.  It was hard.  Big engines chugged past little engine but little engine kept going.  It could see the top of the hill ahead.  Slowly slowly little engine chugged.  

Finally, little engine wasn’t so little any more.  In fact little engine was quite big.  Little engine was more determined then ever to make it to the top of the hill.  Chugga chugga chugga chugga almost there.  Little engine heard the other little engines from the yard.  They had grown and were coming up the hill too!  They started to pass little engine.  This just made little engine more determined to reach the top of the hill.  But because little engine had left when they were so small they didn’t have as much fuel as the big engines.  Just before little engine got to the top of the hill little engine became empty.  Down down down fell little engine back into the yard…

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