God Stories

08 January 2015

Stories are an integral part of cultures all over the world.  I have been thinking about stories recently as my news feed on Facebook has been filled with God stories: 

*“God hears! My wallet was returned and nothing is missing!”

“Your prayers have been answered I was officially declared cancer free today”

“I’m engaged! You were worth waiting for!!!”

“He opened the doors to my dream job!”*

*these are generalized and not actual quotes*

These statuses are wonderful and we should be rejoicing with these people.  Unfortunately more often than I would care to admit my mind entertains the comparison monster. Things such as “I have been praying for that for 20 years and he answered her prayer in 3” or “God promised me something that night too and he hasn’t even begun to answer it. What is wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?”  The problem is all of these things are based on circumstances, not God.

I recently attended an event where men in a Teen Challenge program spoke. These men took turns sharing amazing testimonies of redemption.  Finally, a man got up and began to speak about his life.  He talked about the first time he was rescued from his drug addiction.  After he was rescued he was diagnosed with cancer and his wife and family left him.  This was years ago.  The audience sat on the edge of their seats waiting for the redemptive turn in his story. He then shared that he still has cancer, he is still estranged from his family, and that God is still the same. 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” 
 Hebrews 13:8

Regardless of whether or not our prayers are answered or whether or not we see redemption this side of heaven God is still the same.   God performs miracles and we need stories of those miracles; however, as someone who spends more of their life in the desert than the promise land I also need more stories about God being God (not just God doing xyz).  A God that is worth worshiping and loving forever regardless of my life circumstances.  

Do I still hope that I will see redemption this side of heaven? Every. single. day.  But that cannot be my focus and that is hard for me. 
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