Where do I go from here?

28 April 2019

Where do I go from here?  The question rolls in my head day in and day out.

Years ago when I first found faith I tried to describe to a friend what I was experiencing.  I told her how I had been in a mucky rushing river and all of sudden I was on land.  My life had been spent in the river.  I didn’t know how to live on land.  Each day was a learning experience.  Each day I became stronger.  My feet steadied and I took a deep breath. 

Then 7 years ago I was shoved into the river.  I was drowning.  Desperate for a rescue. Rescue never came.  Where do I go from here?  I thought if I could just make it back to shore...  If I could make it to sight.  I desperately started swimming, fighting every day.  Every time I got close a storm would brew.  The lighting would strike.  The wind would rage.  And the current would drag me under.  I screamed.  I was silent.  I swam.  I floated.  Years went by. I kept fighting until finally, I had no more fight.  I was done.  The rushing waters came and I was swept away to sea.  Where do I go from here?

Turns out fighting for your soul wears out your body too.  I’d been fighting for so long it ingrained in my DNA.  Even now my body fights.  Going after the good cells.  There’s no off switch.  Will it be annoyance or will it be a pain?  Only time will tell.  No one knows tomorrow.

Body aching.
Soul empty.
Mind tired.
Where do I go from here?

I go to work.  I go home.  I wait.  I sleep.  There is no solution.  There is no answer.  There is no cure.  I can only live each day as it comes.  

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